Dylan Harney, PhD
I completed my PhD in 2022 at the University of Sydney with Dr Mark Larance in the Charles Perkins Centre. During that time, I studied the molecular adaptation to fasting and intermittent fasting. My work largely focused on liver, adipose tissue and blood plasma where I applied mass-spectrometry based proteomics to examine these adaptations at the organ level. Alongside this, I worked on developed new techniques to improve the analytical potential of mass spectrometry for blood plasma.
I moved to the James’ lab at the end of 2022 shortly after obtaining my PhD. My current work focuses on understanding the process of healthy aging in both humans and mice and how this process is altered by genetic variance. I continue to use mass spectrometry as my central mode of analysis and I am continually working to improve analytical methods.
Contact: dylan.harney@sydney.edu.au