Yiju Zhang, PhD Candidate
Defects in the trafficking and translocation of Glut4 in insulin resistance have been extensively reported, which brings in a big question: is insulin resistance a general defect in protein trafficking to the plasma membrane? I am going to answer this question during the following Ph.D. research period.
I accomplished my Bachelor's Degree (2015-2019) and Master's Degree (2019-2022) at Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China). I began my Ph.D. candidature here at the beginning of October 2022. My present research concentrates on defective plasma membrane protein trafficking in insulin resistance. I like Biology and Medical Science due to its fusion of a scientific core with a philanthropic heart. An increasing number of people around the world are tortured by various metabolic diseases nowadays. As a member of society, I feel obliged to use my knowledge and skills to help prevent and treat metabolic diseases and make the world a better place to live in. I hope my Ph.D. research could help deepen the understanding of mechanisms behind insulin resistance and plasma membrane protein trafficking and provide potential therapeutic targets for insulin resistance.
Contact: yzha0040@uni.sydney.edu.au